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Showing posts from March, 2018

Christ Refused to Argue with Satan

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White Christ Refused to Argue with Satan Today's Text: When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace. Luke 11:21 The Message: He [Satan] ridiculed the idea of Christ, the Majesty of heaven, being left in the wilderness to suffer from hunger. Would God treat His own Son thus? Would He leave Him in the desert with wild beasts, without food, without companions, without comfort? He insinuates that God never meant His Son to be in such a state as this.... The words from heaven, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased," were still sounding in the ears of Satan. But he was determined to make Christ disbelieve this testimony. The word of God was Christ's assurance of His divine mission.... It was Satan's purpose to make Him doubt this word. If Christ's confidence in God could be shaken, Satan knew that victory in the whole conflict wo...

Constant Prayer Needed to Resist Satan's Cunning

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White Constant Prayer Needed to Resist Satan's Cunning Today's Text: And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. Luke 4:1 The Message:      Why was it that at the beginning of His public ministry Christ was led into the wilderness to be tempted? It was the Spirit that led Him thence, and He went, not in His own behalf, but in our behalf, to overcome for us. There was no compulsion about it. He was led by the Spirit, His humanity to be proved, as one who had undertaken to stand at the head of the fallen race.      Christ had been, and was then, in perfect harmony with the Father. He was to be tried and tested as a representative of the race. He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to meet the foe in personal encounter, to overthrow him who claimed to be the head of the kingdoms of the worl...

Learning the Lessons of Sacred History

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White Learning the Lessons of Sacred History Today's Text: Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. 1 Corinthians 10:11 The Message:      The instruction given in the Old Testament Scriptures is as verily the word of Christ as the instruction in the New Testament. Christ was as verily humanity's Redeemer in the days when the Old Testament was written as He was when He appeared in the form of a man. He gave those of ancient Israel just as favorable an opportunity of working out their own salvation as He did those who listened to His words.      A character formed after the divine likeness is the only treasure that people can take from this world to the next. The character as formed in this world determines one's destiny for eternity. The element of value in one's...

All Heaven Hears Our Praise and Thanksgiving to God

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White All Heaven Hears Our Praise and Thanksgiving to God Today's Text: Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. Malachi 3:16 The Message:      Two classes of witnesses are presented in the prophet's [Malachi's] words. Of the first class it is written, "Your words have been stout against me, saith the Lord.... Ye have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of hosts?" These words describe those who ought to have better represented the precious truth, who ought to have been an example to those newly come to the faith. For all who follow Him the Lord has prepared a rich feast of heavenly things. He has ordain...

Jesus Receives and Defends Repentant Souls

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White Jesus Receives and Defends Repentant Souls Today's Text: And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan; even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? Zechariah 3:2 The Message:      Satan claims a right to have those who once stood under his black banner, but who have turned from sin to the living God and have cast their helpless souls upon Jesus. All who take hold of the merits of Christ by faith have the pledged word of God that they shall make peace with Him....      Trials are permitted to come upon the chosen people of God. The expressions are used, "God tempted Abraham," "God tempted the children of Israel." This means that the Lord permitted Satan to tempt them in order that their faith might be found unto honor and glory when the judgment shall sit, and when every person shall be...