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Showing posts from October, 2017

Christ is our Only Ladder to Heaven

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White Christ is our Only Ladder to Heaven Today's Text: And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven ... And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said ... the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed. Genesis 28:12, 13 The Message:      The ladder is the medium of communication between God and the human race. Through the mystic ladder the gospel was preached to Jacob. As the ladder stretched from earth, reaching to the highest heavens, and the glory of God was seen above the ladder, so Christ in His divine nature reached immensity and was one with the Father. As the ladder, though its top penetrated into heaven, had its base upon the earth, so Christ, though [He was] God, clothed His divinity with humanity and was in the world "found in fashion as a man." The ladder would be useless if it rested not on the earth or if it reach...

Truth Moves Us Towards Heaven

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White Truth Moves Us Towards Heaven Today's Text: I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. John 10:9 The Message:      Truth is an active, working principle, molding heart and life so that there is a constant upward movement, climbing the ladder Jacob saw, to the Lord above the ladder. In every step of climbing, the will is obtaining a new spring of action.... The glory of God revealed above the ladder can be appreciated only by the progressive climber, who is ever attracted higher, to nobler aims that Christ reveals. All the faculties of mind and body must be enlisted....      To make our calling and election sure requires far greater diligence than many are giving to this important matter. "For if ye do these things" live on the plan of addition, growing in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ-ye shall mount...

When All Seems Hopeless, Look for Heaven's Ladder

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White When All Seems Hopeless, Look for Heaven's Ladder Today's Text: And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. Genesis 28:16 The Message:      The angels of God were ascending and descending upon this mystic ladder, and when he [Jacob] awoke he said, "Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not." Thus it is with us. If our eyes could be opened, we would see the angels of God all around us, and the evil angels are here also, trying to destroy us, but the good angels are pressing them back.      Jacob thought to gain a right to the birthright through deception, but he found himself disappointed. He thought he had lost everything, his connection with God, his home and all; and there he was a disappointed fugitive. But what did God do? He looked upon him in his hopeless condition, He saw his disappointment, and He saw...

Never Sacrifice Integrity Nor Despise your Birthright

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White Never Sacrifice Integrity Nor Despise your Birthright Today's Text: And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: ... And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright.... And he sold his birthright unto Jacob. Genesis 25:30-34 The Message:      There is too much yielding to desire and inclination for present enjoyment. There is not that earnest soul hunger for spiritual strength and heavenly wisdom. Temptations are yielded to, the appetite is gratified, and there is a separation from God.... You remember the case of Esau. He passed the crisis of his life without knowing it. What he regarded as a matter worthy of scarcely a thought was the act that revealed the prevailing traits of his character. It showed his choice, showed his true estimate of that which was sacred and which should have been sacredly cherished. He sold his birthright for a small indu...

Characters of Jacob and Esau Contrasted

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White Characters of Jacob and Esau Contrasted Today's Text: One people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger. Genesis 25:23 The Message:      Esau grew up loving self-gratification and centering all his interest in the present. Impatient of restraint, he delighted in the wild freedom of the chase, and early chose the life of a hunter. Yet he was the father's favorite. The quiet, peace-loving shepherd was attracted by the daring and vigor of this elder son, who fearlessly ranged over mountain and desert, returning home with game for his father and with exciting accounts of his adventurous life.      Jacob, thoughtful, diligent, and care-taking, ever thinking more of the future than the present, was content to dwell at home, occupied in the care of the flocks and the tillage of the soil. His patient perseverance, thrift, and foresight were valued ...