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Truth Moves Us Towards Heaven

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White

Truth Moves Us Towards Heaven
Today's Text:
I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. John 10:9
The Message:

     Truth is an active, working principle, molding heart and life so that there is a constant upward movement, climbing the ladder Jacob saw, to the Lord above the ladder. In every step of climbing, the will is obtaining a new spring of action.... The glory of God revealed above the ladder can be appreciated only by the progressive climber, who is ever attracted higher, to nobler aims that Christ reveals. All the faculties of mind and body must be enlisted....

     To make our calling and election sure requires far greater diligence than many are giving to this important matter. "For if ye do these things" live on the plan of addition, growing in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ-ye shall mount up, step by step, the ladder Jacob saw, and "ye shall never fall." ...

     Let us consider this ladder that was presented to Jacob. The human race was cut off from intercourse [communication] with God. They might look at a paradise lost but could see no means of entering it and holding communion with heaven. The sin of Adam cut off all intercourse between heaven and earth. Up to the moment Adam and Eve transgressed God's law there had been free communion between earth and heaven. They were connected by a path Deity could traverse. But the transgression of God's law broke up this path, and the human race was separated from God.

     As soon as Satan seduced our first parents to disobedience of God's holy law, every link that bound earth to heaven and the human race to the infinite God seemed broken. Humans might look to heaven, but how could they attain it? But joy to the world! The Son of God, the Sinless One, the One perfect in obedience, becomes the channel through which the lost communion may be renewed, the way through which the lost paradise may be regained. Through Christ, our substitute and surety, we may keep the commandments of God. We may return to our allegiance, and God will accept us.

     Christ is the ladder.... This is the ladder, the base of it resting upon the earth, the top reaching to the highest heavens. The broken links have been repaired. A highway has been thrown up along which the weary and heavy laden may pass. They may enter heaven and find rest.-Manuscript 13, 1884 (Manuscript Releases 19:341-353).

My friend, Jesus is the ladder that connects us with Heaven.  Through His life and sacrifice here on this earth we are brought back into communion with God and given the power to live lives that please Him.  By becoming human, the Son of God who is the expressed image of God, forever connected humanity with Himself.  Through His humanity he anchors the ladder to us, and by His divinity He connects us to the infinite God, the one true God of the Bible.

There is no other mediator between God and man but Jesus Christ.  Though He is in heaven performing the work of redemption to us, He is still with His church here on this earth by His Spirit.  The Holy Spirit, also know as the Comforter, is not another person separate from the Father and the Son, but is the omnipresence of Christ Himself.

The reason why so many in the church today have not gained the victory over sin is because they have unwittingly accepted another mediator in place of Jesus Christ in the name of the Holy Spirit.  The trinity teaches that the Holy Spirit is not the omnipresence of Christ, but that he is another being separate from the Father and the Son, and as such has introduced another mediator.  Jesus said in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me."

My friend, no matter how they try to slice it to teach that the Holy Spirit is another being separate from the Father and the Son, is to teach that there is another mediator between God and man.  The Comforter spoken of in John 14 is not a different person, but Christ in His omnipresent form.  1 John 2:1 tells us who this Comforter is saying "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:"  The Greek word for advocate is the exact same word used for comforter.  So the Comforter is Jesus Christ the righteous.

May you be comforted by Jesus Christ the Righteous today.

God bless,
Video of the Week

God the Father - Allen Davis
God the Father - Allen Davis

Dr. Allen Davis shows from the Bible who the Father is and His true relation to His Son.
