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When We Face Difficulties and Tests

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White

When We Face Difficulties and Tests
Today's Text:
Surely they shall not see the land which I sware unto their fathers. Numbers 14:23
The Message:

     When difficulties arise in any branch of the cause-as they surely will, for the church militant is not the church triumphant-all heaven is watching to see what will be the course of those who are entrusted with sacred responsibilities. Some will stumble; some will give heed to seducing spirits; some will choose darkness rather than light because they are not true to God. Like their Master, those who are abiding in Christ will not fail nor be discouraged....

     The Lord requires our undivided affections. If people are not whole-hearted, they will fail in the day of test and proving and trial. When the enemy shall put his forces in array against them, and the battle seems to go hard, at the very time when all the strength of intellect and capability, all the tact of wise generalship, is needed to repulse the enemy, those who are halfhearted will turn their weapons against their own soldiers; they weaken the hands that should be strong for warfare.

     God is testing all who have a knowledge of the truth to see if they can be depended on to fight the battles of the Lord when hard pressed by principalities and powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this world, and wicked spirits in high places. Perilous times are before us, and our only safety is in having the converting power of God every day, yielding ourselves fully to Him to do His will and walk in the light of His countenance. (See 1 Peter 2:9).

     Now when we are just on the borders of the Promised Land, let none repeat the sin of the unfaithful spies.... They made it appear as folly and presumption to think of going up to possess the land. Thus they leavened the whole congregation with their unbelief....

     While the people were cherishing doubts and believing the unfaithful spies, the golden opportunity for Israel passed by. The inhabitants of the land were aroused to make a determined resistance, and the work that the Lord had prepared to do for them to manifest His greatness and His favor to His people could not be done because of their wicked unbelief and rebellion....

     Shall it be then in these last days, just before we enter into the heavenly Canaan, that God's people shall indulge the spirit that was revealed by ancient Israel? Men and women full of doubts and criticisms and complaints can sow seeds of unbelief and distrust that will yield an abundant harvest.-Manuscript 6, 1892.

My friend, test and trial will come to all those who strive to live godly in Christ Jesus.  These trials are not without a purpose, but are to prove the people of God, to see if Jesus truly lives with in the heart.  There are many today that believe that they love God and will do all that He asks of them.  They believe this in their hearts, but unless this profession is tried and tested, it is of no benefit to the believer.

Peter loved Jesus and he believed this with all of his heart, but this did not save him from denying his Master.  Jesus told him in Matthew 26:34 "Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice."  Peter did not know his true heart, but Jesus did.  He saw that Peter's profession was not as it appeared.  It was only after he had denied his Master, that he was brought to the point of where he could see his true condition before God.  In bitter anguish of heart, Peter repented of his sin and laid aside his pride and became the steadfast shepherd of the flock.

In the same way today, God allows us to be tried and tested, that we may see our weakness and our faulty traits of character.  As we are thus tried, our true natures are stripped away and we see ourselves for who we really are; wretched, and miserable, poor, blind and, naked.  (Revelation 3:17).  It is only at this point that we can come to Jesus and seek after His grace and His righteousness, that through it all we may be prepared to stand for Him in the final test and trial of the last days.

May we praise God for the comparatively small trials of today, that we may see our great need of Him, that we may truly surrender our hearts to Jesus and allow Him to manifest His life in us.

God bless,
Video of the Week

Who or What is the Holy Spirit?  New Gods - Nader Mansour
Who or What is the Holy Spirit? New Gods - Nader Mansour

New gods is a presentation that addresses the identity of God the Holy Spirit. Nader Mansour shares the biblical foundation as well as other historical examples that shed light on this question. It also deals with the question of "why is it important?". What does the Bible say about new gods? Have you accepted a new god? How many are ignorantly worshipping a new god? You will not want to miss this presentation! Are you an SDA who has fallen for the trinity? You have not fallen too far, there is hope yet! Presented at the Wenatchee 2013 Camp Meeting, USA.
