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Everyday Duties of Life are Important

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White

Everyday Duties of Life are Important
Today's Text:
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. Luke 16:10
The Message:

     When Elisha followed Elijah, and traveled with him, he was first given the position of a servant; he had to perform the humble duty of pouring water on the hands of Elijah. Yet he kept at the humble work until the last journey. There it was to be revealed to him that Elijah was to be translated. Called as Elisha was from the twelve yoke of oxen and the plow, he followed Elijah without complaint, leaving a wealthy home where he was beloved, to attend the prophet in his uncertain life. He willingly fulfilled the very humblest duties. His connection with Elijah revealed that he had traits of character that would endure test and trial, that he was a valuable young man with precious traits of character. Trials and temptations he had in abundance, but he relied upon God in trying circumstances. His surroundings of wealth and comfort were a temptation. In his home he was fully capable of ruling, but in the service of Elijah he must obtain an experience, he must learn how to serve under a ruler, that he might learn to serve God.

     Many errors are entertained by people in their vocations. They overestimate their capabilities, and in test and trial reveal that they need a different kind of experience than they have had in order to be a laborer together with Christ. Persons who do not see their need of serving God in little things, doing humble work, give unmistakable evidence that they are not fitted to serve in larger things. In overlooking the humble service as nonessential, they bear testimony that they cannot be trusted with larger responsibilities.

     The idea that prevails in some minds, and that is difficult to change, an idea they have permitted to be unconsciously woven into their experience, is that a certain position of gentility and dignity must be maintained or else their influence will be marred in their work of preaching. But when these learn to minister, they will know that humble, active service means to interest themselves in the duties of everyday life, and to obtain the education essential to do the ordinary duties of life in any small vocation-it may be in tilling the soil, in following the plow, in sowing or in reaping....

     There is to be no neglect or low estimate of the lowly, everyday duties of life. True conversion to God will act as leaven in every phase of duty in the relationships of life. Then, if the Lord sees us faithful in that which is least, diligent and persevering in the use of our physical powers, doing with our hands that which someone must do, He will say, "Come up higher. You may be entrusted with greater responsibilities."-Letter 64, 1897.

My friend, the time is soon to come when all will be tested to see if we have any real faith in God that will see us through this most difficult time.  Now is the time that we have to prepare for what is to come.  The preparation that we need is not some grand exercise, but simple everyday things that may seem small in the eyes of the world, but is of great value in the sight of God.

Daily surrender of self to God in the small areas of our life today prepares us to stand firm for Him in the last days.  In the same manner little compromises with sin today will lead to even greater compromises as we come face to face with trial and hardship.  One compromise with sin will lead to another and yet another until we are in open rebellion against God.

In the last days all will be tested as to who we worship.  The world will push all to worship the beast through the enforcement of Sunday laws.  The enforcement will be light at first, only requiring a mild change in our lives, but as the conflict deepens, greater and greater compromises will be required.  Those who have not learned to stand firm in the smaller areas of their lives will find in increasingly difficult to stand firm for Jesus at that time.

Through the worshiping of the false god of the trinity, the Catholic church has ensnared the whole of the Christian world into worshiping on Sunday, and while the Seventh-day Adventist church does not hold Sunday sacred she has brought the church to worship triune god of Babylon.  Through supplanting the God of the Bible for the god of the trinity she will lead the majority of the church of today to bow to Rome when the testing time comes.

During the time of our church pioneers they did not worship the trinity but worshiped the One true God of the Bible and His Son Jesus Christ (John 17:3 and 1 Corinthians 8:6).  They were a separate and distinct people from the world and God had honored them, but over time evil men crept into the church to corrupt it from within.  As the principals of the trinity began to creep in over the generations since our pioneers were laid to rest, it was met with less and less opposition until it became one of our fundamental beliefs as recently as 1980.

If we are to stand firm for Jesus in the last days we must know who it is that we worship.  If you are worshiping God through the trinity you are preparing to receive the mark of the beast.  Now is the time to come back to worship the One true God of the Bible through His Son Jesus Christ.  1 John 2:22 says "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ [Son of God]? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.  Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also."  The trinity denies that Jesus is really the Son of God and as such is the spirit of Antichrist.

My friend if you worship the god of the trinity you are denying that Jesus is the literal and natural Son of God.  In denying Him today you will deny Him when it matters most.

May you eyes be anointed with eye salve that you may see and awaken to the deception that has been brought upon the whole of the Adventist church today.

God bless,
Video of the Week

What You Need to Know about Creeds - Matt Dooley
What You Need to Know about Creeds - Matt Dooley

In this presentation, we look at creeds and the reason why the pioneers were adamantly against them.
