Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White
Our Influence is a Power for God or for Evil |
Today's Text:
And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. Daniel 12:3
The Message:
True Christians will have an experience like that of Christ in the wilderness of temptation, especially those who engage in rescuing souls from the snares of Satan. They will meet the assaults of the enemy of all righteousness; and as Christ overcame, so may they overcome through His grace. Christians should not feel that they are abandoned of God because they are subjected to sore temptations. If they remain unshaken by the temptations, Satan will leave them, and angels will minister to them as they did to Jesus. There is no comfort equal to that which Christians enjoy when the tempted soul has patiently suffered and Satan has been vanquished. They have borne witness for Jesus, relying wholly upon the Word of God, "It is written," and thus have resisted every advance of Satan, till they have beaten him back and gained the victory.
Let us in no case depreciate people because they are severely tempted and the billows seem to go over their head. We must remember that Jesus was sorely tempted in all points like as we are, so that He might succor all who should be tempted.... We all have a personal influence. Our words and actions leave an indelible impress. It is our duty to live, not for self but for the good of others; to be controlled not by feelings, but by principle. We should consider that our influence is a power for good or for evil. We are either a light to cheer or a tempest to destroy.... The law of God requires that we love one another as we love ourselves. Then every power and action of the mind must be put forth to that end-to do the greatest amount of good.... How pleasing to the Giver for us to hold the royal gifts of the soul so that they shall tell with power upon others! They are the connecting link between God and humans, and reveal the Spirit of Christ and the attributes of heaven. The power of holiness, seen but not boasted of, speaks more eloquently than the most able sermons. It speaks of God and opens to men and women their duty more powerfully than mere words can do.-Letter 39, 1887 (Manuscript Releases 20:137, 138). |
My friend, all of us have an influence to give either for good or for evil. By our influence we are either leading others to Christ or we are tempting them to do evil. There are only two forces at work in the universe and we must choose the side of good if we are to influence others for Christ. By default our natures are carnal and prone to sin and therefore if we are not decidedly on the right, we are on the side of evil.
Each of us must choose to allow the Spirit of Christ to live within us that we may influence others for Him. When Eve was led into sin, the first thing that she did was to tempt her husband into sin with her. In like manner if we are partaking of sin the spirit of Satan compels us to bring others along with us. By our indulgence in sin many are influenced to follow in the same path as we.
If we are truly followers of Christ, we must do all that we can to influence others for the right. As we overcome sin by our reliance upon the power of Jesus living within our hearts, we are encouraging others to do the same. When we resist temptation we give them an example that they may follow.
My friend, do not think that you have no influence upon others. If Jesus is living within you, it will be His influence that is shown in your life, and many will be influenced for good.
May you continually invite the Spirit of Christ into your heart today.
God bless,
Video of the Week
If you understand what the Trinity theology teaches, you will understand that it is an anti-Gospel theology; that it denies the foundation of the Gospel. Join Imad as he shares four foundational truths of the gospel and reveals how the Trinity denies each one of them. This is a powerful message from Imad Awde.
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