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Water to Wine

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White

Water to Wine

Today's Text:
This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him. John 2:11

The Message:

     Jesus Christ is the originator of all missionary work done in our world. He worked miracles to heal the sick, but He never worked a miracle in His own behalf. His first noted miracle was performed at a marriage feast in Cana, when He turned water into wine....

     By this miracle Christ wished to teach that unfermented wine is far preferable to fermented wine. Christ never created fermented wine. The wine made on this occasion was exactly like the wine that comes fresh from the cluster. Christ knew the influence of fermented wine, and by giving them pure, unfermented wine, He showed them the only safe way in which to use grape juice.

     Christ did not draw attention to this act to receive public notice. He wished to teach an important lesson. He did not make or use fermented wine.... Christ did turn water into wine, but He used wine fresh from the grapes, and never any other. He is our example in all things, and before His death He left as a last legacy to His church the bread, representing His body given for the sins of the world, and the wine, representing His spilt blood. But nothing but unleavened bread and unfermented wine could be used. Nothing of a fermented character is to be used in the Communion service, for fermented wine would destroy the figure representing the blood of Christ. We may all look upon this question as forever settled.

     Christ wrought this miracle to teach still another lesson. He would not yield to the enemy when tempted to perform a miracle to supply His own necessities by converting a stone into bread. But on the occasion of the marriage feast He desired to express His sympathy with, and approval of, those at the wedding. Christ did not come to this world to forbid marriage or to break down or destroy the relationship and influence that exist in the domestic circle. He came to restore, elevate, purify, and ennoble every current of pure affection, that the family on earth might become a symbol of the family in heaven. In the Christian home the grace of God is to subdue and transform human character, and then the church will become an active, living, working church. In such families the song may well be sung, "There are angels hovering round; there are angels hovering round. Go, carry the tidings home."-Manuscript 22, 1898.


My friend, the miracles that Jesus performed here on this earth were to give honor and glory to God.  They were a sign that He had come from above, that the Father had sent His Son to us.  The miracles were of such a nature that none by the power of God could be behind them.  In the last days signs and wonders will be performed that will seek to draw the people of God away from their allegiance to the One true God to worship the image of the beast.  Jesus said "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Matthew 24:24).

Today, the whole of the Christian world worships on the first day of the week and are worshiping a false god.  In the last days the worship of God will be pressed upon the people.  Laws will be enacted to force worship, and there will come a time when signs and wonders will appear that will further compel the people of God to convince them that God has changed the day of worship from the seventh day to the first.

Seventh-day Adventist's are the only Christian's that worship on the seventh day of the week in accordance to the Scriptures.  Many hold this as a badge of honor and proclaim it with a sense of pride.  Their preparation for the last days centers upon them keeping the Sabbath holy, that they may not be deceived or compelled into receiving the mark of the beast.  But unbeknownst to them they have already been deceived into worshiping the beast, and in the last days they will as readily receive the mark of the beast as do Sunday keepers.

The day that we worship on will not save us in the last days.  Our Sabbath worship does not sanctify us.  It is the Lord of the Sabbath that sanctifies us.  "Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them." (Ezekiel 20:12).

Through their adoption of the doctrine of the trinity, the Seventh-day Adventist church worships the same god as the Roman Catholic Church, albeit on the seventh day of the week.  The trinity is the central doctrine of the Catholic church, and from it comes all of its doctrine, to include Sunday sacredness.  Satan has artfully supplanted the One true God of the Bible with a triune god of his own devising.

Who we worship is more important than the day we worship on.  The trinity is a false god and all those who worship it will receive the mark of the beast.  The first angels message calls the world back to worship the God of creation, and that God is the Father, for He is the Only true God.  "But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." (1 Corinthians 8:6).  The Father is the true Creator, and unless we are worshiping Him through His Son, we cannot be saved.

May you look away from the deception of the trinity and look unto God through His Son today.

God bless,

Video of the Week

Trinity Salutations - Nader Mansour
Trinity Salutations - Nader Mansour

Does the Trinity ever send salutations? Nader Mansour examines the New Testament evidence in this study to see the understanding of all the NT authors. There's a consistent and persistent pattern that emerges. The Trinity never greets anyone.  This is part 1 of a 2 part study.
Presented at the Wellington NZ camp, April 2018
