Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White
Bottom Line: "Sin is the Transgression of the Law" |
Today's Text:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
The Message:
The rebellion against God's law was begun by Satan in heaven. By this rebellion sin was brought into existence.... Satan insisted that God had not dealt with him justly. He criticized God's plan of government. He declared the divine law to be arbitrary, detrimental to the interests of the heavenly universe, and in need of change.
Vital interests were at stake in the worlds that God had created. Would these supposed defects be made so apparent that the inhabitants of the heavenly universe would be justified in claiming that the law could be improved? Would Satan succeed in undermining their confidence in the law? God in His wisdom did not use measures of force to suppress Satan's rebellion. Such measures would have aroused sympathy for Satan, strengthening his rebellion rather than changing his principles. If God had summarily punished him, many would have looked upon him as one who had been dealt with unjustly, and he would have carried a much larger number with him in his apostasy. It was necessary to give Satan time to develop his principles. He has had every opportunity to present his side of the question. He has been artful. As often as his position has been seen in its true light, he has changed to some other position. By making false charges, and by misstating the purposes and declared will of God, he has secured sympathizers. Adam and Eve were placed on trial and failed.... Satan deceived Eve, and she disobeyed God. The holy pair, not resisting temptation, were brought under Satan's jurisdiction. The enemy gained supremacy over the human race, bringing in death, the penalty of disobedience. Jesus declared that He would bear the penalty for sin and that He would conquer Satan by coming to the world and meeting the foe on his own battlefield. When Christ entered upon His campaign, Satan met Him and contested every inch of ground, exerting his utmost powers to conquer Him. Much was involved in this controversy.... The questions to be answered were: Is God's law imperfect, in need of being amended or abrogated? Or is it immutable? Is God's government stable? Or is it in need of changes? Not only before those living in the city of God, but before the inhabitants of all the heavenly universe, were these questions to be answered.-Manuscript 1, 1902. |
My friend, though the great controversy has ended in the heavenly courts above, the battle continues here on this earth, and is where the final scenes of conflict is taking place. The controversy, so long in process, is coming to a close. The entire universe has seen the outworking of Satan's government, and he no longer has any that will sympathize with him in his rebellion. The only beings left to decide are here on this earth.
When Satan led Adam to fall through the deception of Eve, he thought to make the earth his command post to bring the rest of the universe under his control. He claimed that it was by his wisdom and power that he caused the Son of God to become a man, and put forth that he would overcome Him as he did with Adam.
Though he put forth all of his cunning and all of his power to lead the Son of God to sin, he was defeated on the very ground he claimed as his own. He was defeated at the cross and the true nature of his rebellion was made plain to all. His assertions were shown to be false, and the wisdom and love of God was revealed more completely before the whole universe.
The last battle in the great controversy is being played out here on the earth today. Though his rebellion was defeated at the cross, he continues to believe that he can overthrow the government of God by thwarting the salvation of man. He continues to charge that, though the Son of God was not led into sin, the law of God could not be kept by man, and thus the law of God was not perfect and in need of change. To bolster his claim and keep humanity under his control, he has deceived the professed followers of Christ into worshiping him in place of God.
The gift of God in sending His only begotten Son for the salvation of mankind, is the foundation of our salvation. Though he was defeated at the cross, Satan has deceived the whole world into believing an altogether different gospel. By leading the whole of the Christian world to believe in the trinity, he has effectively supplanted himself in place of God. In answer to Satan's accusations, God had declared that He will present to the whole universe a group of people that will overcome sin and perfectly keep the law of God.
My friend, as the great controversy comes to a close, God is preparing a group of people that will overcome sin and vindicate His law and character. Though the remnant church of God is in the Laodicean condition, His promise to them if they are zealous in their repentance is "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." (Revelation 3:21). We may overcome and vindicate the character of God by the indwelling of the Spirit of Christ within our hearts.
May you invite Jesus into your heart today.
God bless,
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