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God's Law Finally Vindicated

Christ Triumphant - A Devotional by E.G. White

God's Law Finally Vindicated
Today's Text:
Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart. Psalm 119:34
The Message:

     When Christ ascended and laid open before the heavenly intelligences the scene of the conflict and the fierce attacks that Lucifer made against Him to prevent Him from accomplishing His work on the earth, all the prevarications and accusations of him who had been an exalted angel were seen in their true light. It was seen that his professedly spotless character was deceptive. His deeply laid scheme to exalt himself to supremacy was now fully discerned.... When the issue was finally settled, every unfallen being expressed indignation at the rebellion. With one voice they extolled God as righteous, merciful, self-denying, just. His law had been vindicated.

    In the beginning Satan's purpose was to separate the human family from God. And in every age he has carried out this same purpose. The same method of deception, the same logic that he used to deceive the holy pair in Eden, he has used in all succeeding ages. His plan of work has ever been one of deception. He claims to be religious. He has a synagogue in which there are worshipers.... He sways all classes.

     Constantly Satan works among people of all ages. At times he assumes a cloak of piety, purity, and holiness. Often he transforms himself into an angel of light. He has blinded the eyes of men and women so that they cannot see beneath the surface and discern his real purposes.

     God is omnipotent, omniscient, immutable. He always pursues a straightforward course. His law is truth-unchanging, eternal truth. His precepts are consistent with His attributes. But Satan makes them appear in a false light. By perverting them he seeks to give human beings an unfavorable impression of God. Throughout his rebellion he has sought to represent God as an unjust, tyrannical being.

     But Satan's hypocrisy has been unmasked by Christ's life, trial, and death. Christ took upon Himself human nature, and by His perfect life demonstrated the falsity of the claims of him who constantly accuses those who are trying to obey God's law. And the blood of Christ shed on the cross is the everlasting, incontrovertible testimony that God's law is as immutable as is His own character. The crucifixion of Christ was a murder instigated by Satan and carried out by people who had separated themselves from God. In the day of judgment, when the death of Christ upon the cross is seen in all its reality, every voice will be hushed. Everyone will see that Satan is a rebel.-Manuscript 1, 1902.


My friend, God's end-time church is the focus of Satan's great wrath, for it says in Revelation 12:17 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."  He hates and despises us because we keep the commandments of God and we have the testimony of Jesus Christ which is the Spirit of Prophecy.

Through the work of the prophet of God, the church remained pure.  Though the enemy of souls sought to bring into the church false doctrines, God through His prophet, warned the people and these false doctrines were exposed for what they were.  But since she has been laid to rest, the enemy of souls continued to work behind the scenes, bringing in his heresies little by little, generation by generation, until these heresies were accepted by the church as truth.

In the time of Ellen White and the church pioneers, the principals of the doctrine of the trinity was introduced to the people by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg through his book "The Living Temple".  Though it was pantheistic at first, the author had recently accepted the belief in the trinity and sought to rewrite the book from that standpoint.  To this God directed Mrs. White through a vision to denounce the book as from Satan.  At that time Satan's plans were thwarted and the church rejected the book and its teachings, but certain men in leadership positions continued to push these false theories, and as the pioneers passed away, it began to find its way into the teachings of the church, until the church has officially adopted the doctrine as truth.

Today the Seventh-day Adventist church has officially accepted the doctrine of the trinity and anyone that speaks against it are ridiculed, derided, and eventually disfellowed from the church.  The doctrine of the trinity has the outward form of godliness and as such the people cannot tell that they are worshiping a false god.  It has taken the One true God as spoken of in John 14:3, and has transformed Him into a triune god made up of three individual god-beings who are co-equal, and co-eternal.  It has transformed the only begotten Son of God into a member of the Godhead that has taken on the role of a son, but is not really a son.  Of this the Scriptures have foretold saying "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." (Jude 1:4).

The church today is in the Laodicean condition because it has accepted the false doctrine of the trinity.  It has accepted a false god in place of the One true God.  This is evident because they do not have the righteousness of Christ and Jesus is on the outside seeking to gain entrance.  The church is wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.  Because the trinity has the form of godliness, they cannot see their true condition before God.  Therefore Jesus, the Faithful and True Witness, gives them this straight testimony.

My friend, I write these things unto you with sadness in my heart.  To see that the church and the people that I love are worshiping this false god believing that it is God, is very sad indeed.  Though I have sought to enlighten the church, I have been ridiculed, derided, and am no longer welcome to share this message with them.  My hope and prayer is that God will use this message to awaken His people that they may see their true condition before Him.

God bless,
Video of the Week

Allen Davis Perdition Train To Dura Plain
Allen Davis Perdition Train To Dura Plain

A Startling message! Have sermons like this been banned? Well stay tuned and brace for impact for this one will cut to the heart!


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